2:00 社區大廳集合,一起上樓。Gather up
2:10~2:30 好多小兔子 Bunny, Bunny, Bunny
2:30~3:00 彩蛋藝術家 Easter Egg Artist
3:00~3:30 比手畫腳 Who am I?
3:30~4:00 彩蛋尋寶 Easter Egg Hunt
4:30~4:45 故事時間 Story Time
5:00 再會 Goodbye
With invitation by the missionaries, I ponder on how to share the story of Easter with others. First came in mind was Evelyn's classmates, and a Easter party. During this time of year, I see a lot of American friends sharing how they celebrate Easter at school, at home, in the community. Although it's also a commercialized holiday, with chocolate bunny and eggs, if we can share the origin and story of Easter, adding a little fun, it would be a hit.
Though once again I had to plan this by myself, and I only had one afternoon during the week with a school day off, still not many of her classmates could attend. It ended up with more church members than non member. I really appreciate my friends who support this party and help make it happen and fun.
每位孩子都畫上小兔子鼻子和鬍鬚 |
戴上兔子耳朵 |
大家都變成兔子了,真的好可愛 |
彩蛋染色中 |
千千和同學們 |
排排坐準備玩遊戲 |
小小獎勵品:巧克力 |
自製的彩蛋尋寶遊戲,以千千和同學目前的學校數學進度為主題,小一生的簡單數學 |
兩人一組,根據答案尋找相同數量的彩蛋 |
這位兔子耳朵戴反了 |
開彩蛋分糖果囉 |
千千的彩蛋成品,每個人都有兩個彩蛋喔! |
粒粒也完成了! |